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Český překlad mangy Killing Stalking. Kirishima a Bakugou spolu chodí na střední,byli kamarádi,ale Bakugou po něm poslední dobou tak divně kouká stalo se něco?
Yoon Bum je vychrtlý, tichý kluk, který se zamiloval do nejoblíbenější kluka na škole Sangwooa. Jeho zamilovanost vede až k posedlosti. Yoon se rozhodne vejít do Sangwooova bytu a tam zjistí o něm nečekanou pravdu, která Yoona zavedla do temnoty.
Read cz.0 Prolog from the story Killing Stalking- Nowe Życie by Beatrinn (Beata M.M.W) with 401 reads. fanstory, sangwoo, killing. PROLOG
I believe this is the biggest reason why Killing Stalking is so accessible to everybody: not only it's fun for the usual girls waiting for the next ding dong to hit the next bum (pun intended), but even a different public that can recognize the quality behind a horrorific and thrilling scenario such as this one. (+++) ART: nothing to say.
Jan 19, 2018 · For this video we're looking at the sexiest and most terrifying scenes in Killing Stalking - and trust us they ain't pretty! From Stalker Yoonbum's capture to the terrifying murders of Sangwoo